My respectable the juries
My beloved audiences
Ladies and gentlemen.
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
This is me, standing here alone. I'm a moslem, I'm an Indonesian. Want to be heard, by all indonesians in the world, by all people in the world, by all creatures in the universe, so that here I am.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are Indonesians, Indonesia that known as the biggest country, the country that known as the most people after China, Usa and India, the country that known as the heaven of the world and it's the country where you were born.
But what a shame?
Most of Indonesians do not be confident to be an Indonesian, most of us do not love Indonesia, and how can I say that?
Because I know that most of us will prefer foreign product than Indonesian product, we like it better and we will be so proud to use it, but we are Indonesian.
Ladies and gentlemen,
What a shame, we are Indonesian but we prefer KFC than Padangnese food, we prefer Mc Donald than Warteg, We like Coca-Cola better than Sosro and so on, it's all make us forget that we are Indonesian.
Here I won't influence you to boycott the product or blame any other users or the makers. But the biggest question here is…
Where is our nationalism? Did we lose it? Any one answers? Horrible, Indonesians lost their ethos and nationalism without any realizing.
My brothers and sisters, Ladies and gentlemen,
Wake up, open your eyes, We Are Indonesians and the Indonesian future is depend on us, as Indonesians, At All!!!! But what have you done? Or what have we done to our beloved country?
RA. Kartini has shown us and the world, that the woman can, and how about us?
Cut Nyak Dien has shown us and the world that Indonesia is not a sweak country. Great, I think they're women but they were brave to face the enemy at that time.
One more question I ask you all? Where’re we to them?
Our president Soekarno said “Give me ten teenagers so that I can shake the world, and it was true so that Indonesia was called as an Asian Tiger and do you know that the sentence really frightened the other countries in the world. So, Soekarno has told us that Indonesia can and we shouldn't be nervous be an Indonesian. Soekarno has shaken the world so let us shake it for the twice and we start from here, Indonesia.
And a story again, it's about our president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. I read the story from the book entitled”Harus Bisa”. One day, our Mr. President wanted to visit the Microsoft Corporation in California but one of the staff said that the president must be ignored by Bill Gates, Why? Because when Bill Clinton, the president of USA visited the same place Bill gates didn't pay any attention to him although he's his president so how about us who do not have the nuclear and the president felt nervous at the time. And what happened my brothers and sisters? When the president arrived to the Microsoft Corporation he got the great greeting, smiles from bill gates and it means that Indonesia is not like on your mind, so Never be nervous be an Indonesian. Indonesia is powerful, isn’t it?
So how to increase our nationalism:
First, always use Indonesian product.
Keep Indonesian culture
Keep Indonesian Environment,
And never be nervous to be an Indonesian.
Ladies and gentlemen
Let us together,
If you see Indonesians use foreign product, so let us stand up and say “We Are Indonesian”.
And if there are Indonesian mock Indonesian, let us together stand up and shout loudly, ”We Are Indonesians”, We Are Indonesians” We Are Indonesians” We Are Indonesians”. Forever....
And we, Indonesian teenagers
Ask you all to keep and always increase our nationalism.
And we, Indonesian teenagers,
Will always use Indonesian product
Because we, Indonesian teenagers love our Country
We, Indonesian teenagers, will always empowering Indonesia.
We, Indonesian teenagers, will make our country proud of us.
We, Indonesian teenagers, will shake the world, and will show to the world and the universe that Indonesia is strong and can do it. We're Indonesian now and here after, born as Indonesian and die with the same. We are different but we are one, Unity in diversity, Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
So let's always keeps our nationalism by always using Indonesian products, Study hard, and always remember what the heroes have done then be the true Indonesian.
Ladies and gentlemen, We Are Indonesian.
Let's shake the world, this is me, Here I am, I'm Indonesian, and that's you, there you are, you are Indonesian. It's us, here we are, we are Indonesian.
That's all from me, I hope all Indonesian can hear my speech, so does my beloved President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, thanks for your leading to this country. Let’s shake the world together, never give up, be the winner is not my main destination.
Thanks for your attentions, Indonesia, I Love You
Spirit of Nasionalism ..